Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Registered for Rock N Roll Marathon!

Four weeks ago, I officially signed up for the Rock N Roll Vegas Half Marathon.
Three weeks ago, I had my final "takedown" surgery.
Two weeks ago, after some painful (but not unexpected and pretty common) complications, I was released from the hospital.
One week ago, I returned to work. (From home, thanks to my understanding boss and company,)
This week, I returned to work in office!!

Today, I made my first social media post asking for fundraising to support my goal of completing Vegas. It's weird how nervous I was to put that out there. How I don't have a colon anymore, and what happened to me to get to the point of losing a whole organ like that.

It's scary putting something so personal out there. I haven't made any indication that I was sick on my Facebook page ever. I don't like broadcasting my personal stuff like that, especially when it comes to such "woe is me" crap.

But almost immediately, I got likes, comments, texts, and then some donations. And I sit here with a little frog in my throat and teeny tear pricks in my eyes.

I'm not even an emotional person, for Pete's sake! But when I was sick, I just gritted my teeth and got through it. But now that I'm on the mend, and I look back at my four-year journey, it makes me emotional. I'm sad I missed out on four years of my life almost. I'm still angry that it had to happen. I'm thankful for those who did know about my struggles that whole time, and still stood by me, even married me. I'm surprised at what the human body can go through and still be alive.

But then I'm happy that I've made it through.

Alright, enough of this deep bullshit. I'm ready to get out there, with my two goldendoodles, and kick some running ass.

No colon, still rollin'.

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