I've gotten quite a few raffle donations already, but I am following with a bunch more tomorrow too! Get ready small businesses of Bucks County... I'm coming for you!
It is called Kristin's Karting for a Cure and is on Friday, October 10th. The pass is good ALL DAY, but food and festivities are from 5:30pm to 9:30pm.
If you are interested in coming (I would ne delighted to see your lovely face!), make sure to print out the WHITE flier and bring it to the front desk to make sure that CCFA gets the proceeds donated directly to them!
As if training for a marathon and planning this event isn't enough to fill my time with, I am also helping CCFA plan and organize their annual Take Steps walk in Bucks County. I am having more of a difficult time accomplishing my goals for this event.
Print and bring THIS FLIER!!!! |
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