Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 2 Training

Alright, I'm getting into my running schedule this week! This past Saturday, we had our first Team Training Session followed by a shoe clinic at The Running Store in Newtown Square. Got my first real pair of running shoes! I love them already and I've been running on them for 5 days!
We did 2 miles on Saturday as a team, and since then I've been following the guide they gave us for training. So my total miles for this past week (including Saturday) is 7 miles!

That brings my total mileage so far up to 11 miles!
And my other sister donated so now I am 71% to my goal!

I still need a few more donations until I am comfortable that I will be able to raise all that money! $3,200 is a daunting number, but I am still amazed at how readily people donated to me. I became such a hermit while I was sick and then recovering, it's nice to know people still care.

What I also have noticed, is that I must have been dehydrated or at least under-hydrated pretty much my whole active life. All I remember is after nearly every soccer, softball, basketball, field hockey or track meet I ALWAYS got a headache. A lot of my childhood was just one nagging head ache. I just assumed I inherited it from my mum, who is prone to some serious migraines.

Now that I have no colon, I have to pay very close attention to staying hydrated. I can go downhill very quickly. During my recovery, I ended up back in my surgeon's office to get 2 massive bags fluids twice. (Which we some of the most fun doctor's office visits I ever had, by the way!) But since I've had to pay so close attention to hydrating... I haven't gotten a single head ache, which in the past I would have had one continuous headache by now!

I also noticed my muscles aren't as sore this week, time to up my game!

Until next time....

I also go to go paddle boarding last weekend!! That's my pup, Cricket on the board with me. I haven't been able to do something like that in FOREVER! Let alone that I didn't have the energy, but being away from a bathroom like that was unthinkable!

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